In a two-month long repair for malfunctions experienced only weeks after its triumphant start, the Large Hadron Collider deep under Geneva, Switzerland, rests peacefully after a federal lawsuit to shut down the particle collider was dismissed in Hawaii. Two citizens sued to shut down the collider due to the risks of the creation of dark matter, which according to some physicists, could instantly swallow the Universe. But, US District Judge Helen Gilmor dismissed the case, citing the fact that the federal government does not have jurisdiction over the collider located in Switzerland.
The United States originally planned to host a particle collider in the early 1990s. However, after construction began and the collider was built underground surrounding Waxahachie, Texas, Congress refused to fund the remainder of the massively expensive and unsure project. While most scientists deny that the creation of dark matter could destroy Earth and the Universe, a strong contingency believes the inherent danger is too grave to be risked. Their research shows that there is probability of catastrophe.
1 comment:
In May of this year, I talked to a guy that worked at the Super Collider in Waxahachie. He lives in Houston now, but had been in contact with one of the accountants that the government has kept on the books to finish all the administrative work for the Super Collider. I was surprised that they haven't closed it off entirely.
The ironic part of the government ending the project is that the accountant told my acquittance that it ended up costing more money (i.e. tax payers' dollars) to stop the project than it would have to finish it.
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