Tuesday, November 25, 2008

New Attorney General: Eric Holder, Suppressor of Internet

Barack Obama's newly appointed Attorney General Eric Holder is set to assume office in January. However, his past advocations of censoring the Internet (NPR- 5/28/99 Interview) is a baneful revelation to those looking for the real change promised by the "CHANGE" Administration.

While his work for reducing racist death penalty sentences on poor African-Americans in the South is admirable, his advocation of controlling Internet content is reminiscent of Tipper Gore's Parental Advisory campaign and Al Gore's proposals to possibly tax the Internet and restrict free speech.

This shade of Eric Holder is all the more dubious, when his close connections to the Clintons make him all the more accountable to those who have advanced his career. Unfortunately, the CHANGE America needs is being underminded by more of the same.

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