Saturday, November 15, 2008

The "American President" Takes A Stand

French President Nicolas Sarkozy has been widely criticized by his own people and other Europeans as the "American President". Conveyed by his close working relationship with the American Administration, conservative ideals, and push for greater law and order for France, many French feel betrayed by this simple-talking inborn Frenchman of Hungarian origins. But, despite Sarkozy's blustering appearances, he may soon make his mark as a peacemaker for the world.

This year, during tense moments between the United States and Russia over the invitation of NATO membership for Ukraine and Georgia, Sarkozy stood firm, negating American demands and calling for a freeze on NATO membership. In addition, his handling of Georgian President Saakashvili's U.S. backed genocide in the August War in Georgia as an arbiter between America and Russia is another notable foregin policy achievement.

Shockingly, yesterday, in a complete reversal of previous statements by the French and European Union President, Sarkozy upon meeting with Russian President Medvedev in Paris, stated that the U.S. plans for a Missile Defense System in Czech Republic and Poland is unnecessary and that the United States should think again about the system. He also claimed that the radar and anti-ballistic nuclear missiles have nothing to do with European security and that Missile Defense should wait until a European Security meeting in the summer of 2009.

Sarkozy's bold statements gave hope to the Czech and Polish people, in which a majority vehemently opposes the proposed installation of American bases and soldiers. In addition, the new American President Barack Obama has tacitly supported the Missile Defense Shield perogative, although he has made befuddled statements about reconsidering the program if it is proven not to be effective. While Obama's stance is unclear, at least Sarkozy's brave stand has given doubt that Robert Gates' plan to divide Central Europe, and in turn, the whole of Europe, may be reduced to failure. The Czech Parliament's ratification of two treaties to build the radar and station U.S. troops there still awaits a vote.

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