Monday, December 22, 2008

U.S. Pushes NATO for Georgia, Ukraine, Croatia

The United States has opened one of its most strategic but quiet and almost secret "surge" in acquiring former Soviet-bloc republics as military satellites to defend NATO military prowess. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization was founded in the late 1940s as a western alliance against the communist USSR.

According to CTK, the Czech News Service, Georgia and the United States have agreed on a "strategic partnership" which includes a military and economic umbrella alliance under U.S. leadership. The deal also stipulates on promoting "democratic development" in Georgia.

The United States installed Georgian President Mikhail Sakaashvili as a "democratic" dictatorial pawn in a 2005 CIA coup. His iron fisted oppression of freedom of speech and human rights has drawn harsh criticism from the international community. In addition, the "ethnic cleansing" the Georgian army engaged in during the August South Ossetian War in numerous villages were responsible for thousands of civilian deaths. The United States took a neutral stance while at the same time admonishing Russia for their contention of a western-built oil pipeline which runs through Georgia. The United States has long had interest in close ties with Georgia for the oil pipeline, as it sees the pathway as a chance to increase oil consumption while bypassing the OPEC and Russian oil cartels. Georgia also joined the "Coalition of the Willing" in Iraq in 2006 under the U.S.-led occupation forces.

The United States government claims that the agreement is fair reason to expand NATO due to "Russian agression" and bring struggling Slavic nations as Ukraine and Croatia under the U.S.-led western defense and economic umbrella. NATO membership seems likely to be extended to Kiev and Zagreb, but such extensions will require billions of dollars of U.S. aid at a time of very weak economic growth.

In addition, the Czech Senate has passed a SOFA (Strategic Operating Forces Agreement) with the United States to place an American radar with U.S. troops in their country. The radar is a central part of the plan for a Missile Defense Shield to defend Europe and the West from "rogue states like Iran". The radar will also be interfaced with ten nuclear anti-missile rockets based in Poland. The American base in Poland would be less than 100 miles from the Russian border. It is still unclear whether the lower houses of the Parliaments in Czech Republic and Poland will ratify the agreements. Russia has furiously protested the Missile Defense Shield effort and has called on the United States for cooperation, understanding and possible co-ownership of a world-wide radar system. Recent polls show that over 70% of people in each Czech Republic and Poland oppose the plans for a Missile Defense Shield in Central Europe.

Many Ukranians, Croatians and Georgians harbor similar feelings toward what they see as big nation aggressiveness and American imperialism. But with the Obama team also proposing the extension of NATO membership to these nations and fully supporting Secretary of Defense Robert Gates' almost obsessive Missile Defense Shield in Central Europe, little progress seems like it will be made in U.S.-European relations.

French President Nikolas Sarkozy in a meeting in November with Russian President Dimitri Medvedev downplayed the viability and importance of the radar system and urged for caution on the U.S. side.

According to CTK reports, Russian is now engaging in talks with Iran to develop their own missile defense shield for that region. Moscow has been working with Tehran since they announced a deal one year ago giving Russian aid, manpower and instruction for the construction of an Iranian nuclear reactor. In addition, the Russians have discussed setting up their own missile shield to counter the American radar in Czech Republic. A likely location would be on a small island off the coast of Finland that Russia acquired in 1940 when it invaded Finland during World War II.

The United States' imperialist game and fig-leaf agenda has put itself in a harrowing situation. Perhaps, an exit strategy would be more fitting.

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