In the October 30, 2008 Third Party Presidential Debate between Bob Barr (L), Chuck Baldwin (Const.) and Ralph Nader (I), one attendee posed the question, "Why don't you all combine forces?" A quite logical question, perhaps thought of by some before. Barr arrogantly quipped back during his response that he would be willing, only if, "they would join my campaign." And thus, the strong growing third party movement in the United States will gain votes this year, but will most likely divide 3-4 percent between these three candidates. If the third parties could gain a combined 15% this year, the election could hold within its ugly confines a moral victory for a real hope in 2012.
Interestingly enough, Chuck Baldwin had an intelligent position on the future of the third party movement. Quick to reference libertarian American statesman Ron Paul, he mentioned that if the current Freedom movement could combine under a single banner and influential leader, a strong third party would be viable. While Greens and Libertarians would have much to disagree on, especially on domestic policy, a Liberty Party would give leverage to America's civil rights and anti-war campaigns.
Chuck Baldwin, Cynthia McKinney, and Ralph Nader held a press conference as the third party candidates in mid-September and pledged to follow four distinct planks of the same platform. The four points are as follow:
We Agree
"Foreign Policy: The Iraq War must end as quickly as possible with removal of all our soldiers from the region. We must initiate the return of our soldiers from around the world, including Korea, Japan, Europe and the entire Middle East. We must cease the war propaganda, threats of a blockade and plans for attacks on Iran, nor should we re-ignite the cold war with Russia over Georgia. We must be willing to talk to all countries and offer friendship and trade and travel to all who are willing. We must take off the table the threat of a nuclear first strike against all nations.
Privacy: We must protect the privacy and civil liberties of all persons under US jurisdiction. We must repeal or radically change the Patriot Act, the Military Commissions Act, and the FISA legislation. We must reject the notion and practice of torture, eliminations of habeas corpus, secret tribunals, and secret prisons. We must deny immunity for corporations that spy willingly on the people for the benefit of the government. We must reject the unitary presidency, the illegal use of signing statements and excessive use of executive orders.
The National Debt: We believe that there should be no increase in the national debt. The burden of debt placed on the next generation is unjust and already threatening our economy and the value of our dollar. We must pay our bills as we go along and not unfairly place this burden on a future generation.
The Federal Reserve: We seek a thorough investigation, evaluation and audit of the Federal Reserve System and its cozy relationships with the banking, corporate, and other financial institutions. The arbitrary power to create money and credit out of thin air behind closed doors for the benefit of commercial interests must be ended. There should be no taxpayer bailouts of corporations and no corporate subsidies. Corporations should be aggressively prosecuted for their crimes and frauds."
Such a remedy for America is highly needed and a good start to combine efforts. Once established, a new party can now emerge with the wisdom and good will of these disparate groups in mind. The Liberty Party would give America a new chioce, a party which focuses on details of the issues, rather than the personalities of dim-witted politicians.
And for those of libertarian thought who fear a compromise with others who advocate coercive socialist-oriented public programs; it will only be a matter of time before we will convince our fellow good intentioned liberty seekers of the rightness of the cause. For they know that "freedom is popular" and that while we differ on ways to achieve freedom, the fact that one party could represent that dream would be a much needed improvement on the world stage.
So for young and old, liberal and libertarian alike, it is time to unite our efforts and form a Liberty Party which will enumerate the values we all hold dear.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Czech Parliament to Vote on Radar Agreements
According to CTK (the Czech news service) and, the Czech Parliament today meets to discuss whether to approve two radar agreements previously signed with the United States this summer in Prague. One agreement allows for the stationing of a radar missile defense system in Brdy, Bohemia, about 80 km southwest of Prague. The missile defense system is planned to be connected with 10 nuclear interceptor missiles based in neighboring Poland. The other agreement, called SOFA, is centered on the legal conditions on stationing American soldiers in the Czech Republic. The last foreign soldiers to occupy the Czech Republic were Russian troops, who finally withdrew in 1990 after invading and occupying the nation since 1968. The ability to pass these two agreements in Czech Parliament is the main factor whether America's Central European missile defense system will come about.
Unlike the Munich Agreement in 1938, where neither the Czech government or Parliament was consulted, these votes on the radar agreement symbolize the nation's representatives last chance to claim Czech sovereignty before being made into a defacto American military colony.
We can only hope that the tragedies of 1848, 1938, and 1968 are avoided by the People's last resort against a government willing to sell out the entire nation. For rather than an overhaul of national sovereignty, if the votes come out NAY, 2008 could be as symbolic as the declarations of independence and liberty in 1918 and 1989. Now, is the decisive time.
Unlike the Munich Agreement in 1938, where neither the Czech government or Parliament was consulted, these votes on the radar agreement symbolize the nation's representatives last chance to claim Czech sovereignty before being made into a defacto American military colony.
We can only hope that the tragedies of 1848, 1938, and 1968 are avoided by the People's last resort against a government willing to sell out the entire nation. For rather than an overhaul of national sovereignty, if the votes come out NAY, 2008 could be as symbolic as the declarations of independence and liberty in 1918 and 1989. Now, is the decisive time.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
The Genius of Freedom
As the behemoth known as the federal government doubled in size since 1997, it is no surprise that Americans have incrementally lost more freedom than was even conceivable in the past century. Yet, as Election Day 2008 draws nearer, few have made the connection betwen the centralization of economic and political power and the loss of human rights in America.
Milton Friedman in Capitalism and Freedom once wrote, that the "free-market as a system of economic freedom and a necessary condition for political freedom," (4) must be preserved at all costs, despite well-meaning popular demands for state intervention in education and healthcare. In Friedrich A. Hayek's masterpiece The Road to Serfdom, he dismisses the impracticality of socialism while dissecting its covert attack on liberty. In brilliant prose, he lays out the true meaning of nineteenth-century liberalism, highlighting its success and goal toward complete individual liberation. In a clear and concise form, Hayek makes a strong intellectual argument for the preservation of the free-market and through this, autonomy inherited through individual and local means. Pointing to the authoritarian nature of socialist means to achieve ends, it becomes ever too obvious to the reader that Hayek's defense of liberty remains of the highest moral perogative and ultimately necessary to achieve a free society.
While the aims of socialism are often noble and emotionally endearing to all, its vision of justice and equality falls short of its goals due to the coercive means which must be used to attain its ultimate goals. Instead of revolutionizing society with a change of consciousness, (the only true method of change), socialism relies on ancient iron-fisted dictatorial methods. At the barrel of a gun, one, a victim of success, is coerced to relinquishing his or her rewards of hard work to give to those incapable in their present capacity of attaining such wealth. Like the Church tithe of Old Europe, the government sets moral absolutes on the People. Hayek claims that while such "values" are imposed upon the People, "they must become their beliefs," (153) essentially limiting free thought and giving the State the absoluteness of divinity in all of its dealings. Such a road is dangerous, especially considering our present governing coalition, who mandates war, torture, and imprisonment not only in America's local communities, but also in distant nations.
Furthermore, the government mandated idea of collectivism, so-termed "group rights" undermines the autonomy of the individual and rejects the reality of personal decision making which affects all interactions in life. It is this collectivism which has created centralized power and threatens our free existence.
Whether the group consists of "the poor", "the middle class", or the "corporate CEOs" (now seen in the $2 trillion+ Bank Bailout Bill), our fredom to personally choose our own fate is destroyed. The fact that "discrimination between members and nonmembers of closed groups" (214) now exists poses the political reality we face. It is thus in these type of aimed conglomerates that "collectivists must create power - power over men wielded by other men - of a magnitude never before known" (144) which wildly discriminates and has no tolerance for liberty or independence of thought. Hayek describes its effects as that which "creates a degre of dependence scarcely distinguishable from slavery" (146). Thus strikes the death knell for a free society.
Thus, forces beyond the individual have controlled American society since the creation of The Federal Reserve System and the never ratified Sixteenth Amendment in the fateful year of 1913. Even worse, many of America's trade agreements (G8 summits, WTO, GATT, NAFTA, etc.), limit competition, discourage free trade, and structure society along collectivist, protectionist lines all ot the detriment of the creativity and ingenuity of the individual. Hayek describes this "'sharing' of markets" as "the [conglomerate] control of investment and development of natural resources" (229). In fact, with the rise of the multi-national coroporation, little has been done in government's most essential economic function, regulating monopoly.
Without competition, freedom is limited and starved for new outlets for creation. Today, our government discourages ingenuity, progress, and new ideas. In the interest of preserving the status quo, it now rejects freedom and adheres to a fascist ideal of the organization of the most personal and intimate workings of society. Hayek writes, "the machinery of monopoly becomes identical with the machinery of the state, and the state itself becomes more and more identified with the interests of those who run things than with the interests of the people in general" (198). Thus, is the present tyranny of The Establishment.
While the abolition of the State, (and along with it the demise of The Establishment), may seem an answer to these problems, anarchy does little to work as an impartial arbiter, a watchdog for personal liberty. A limited government is essential to preserving the rule of law, and holding all accountable to their actions. But, to safeguard liberty and give a framework to empower the People, it is necessary for the People to independently obtain their own material supply and social well-being in battling the tyranny of the established "aristocracy". For when government is no longer impartial, but rather a "group rights" conduit for power, its essential purpose is thwarted and more liberty is lost. For it is individual rights, "the system of private property [and private production] is the most important guaranty of fredom, not only for those who own property, but scarcely less than those who do not" (103). While it may seem incredulous that such rights defend the liberty of the landless and propertyless masses, their ability to decide their rent, employment, personal purchases and even where they choose to passt heir precious limited time all effect the future of these independent entities, and ultimately, the destiny of the People.
It should not be ignored that we all derive our life from the land of Earth, and without the ability to freely navigate and acquire its bounty, our benefit from its vast resources will be diminished and the natural state of man will be denied. Total control of the Earth by the monopoly, and in particular the coercive Establishment is the gravest threat to humanity.
Thus, such developments have now distorted the noble Enlightenment-logic behind liberalism of the "Golden Age" of thought embodied in our republic. Now, a collusion of high and mighty powers control our future. More frightening, as our monetary currency further loses its once impeccable legitimacy, the threat of inflation rips at the heart of freedom and prosperity for a large majority of our citizenry. For Hayek warns of the oppression of poverty; "It should never be forgotten that the one decisive factor in the rise of totalitarianism on the Continent (1940s Nazi Germany) [...] is the existence of a large recently disposessed middle class" (209). More than ever, America's backbone, the middle class, faces annihilation of liberty; economic, political and personal. Our very concept of liberty njow hangs in the balance.
Yet, as Ron Paul once said, "freedom is popular" and Americans' thirst for it and its rewards will never be satisfied. And rightly so! On the brink of the New World Order, we must think about what we value. Faced with freedom or security, many will clamor for security. But, even its guarantee of being "taken care" of is far from the reality of life. Rather, those that do not desire entitlement to physical goods or services, but focus only on the need for freedom, will fight for the good will of all.
Thus, socialism "must be regarded as a reactionary movement, the decisive change which has taken place in our time and the source of mortal danger to everything a liberal must value" (200). For if we truly believe in the freedom of our actions and contributions to one another, we must vote with liberty as the first and foremost of our aims.
Milton Friedman in Capitalism and Freedom once wrote, that the "free-market as a system of economic freedom and a necessary condition for political freedom," (4) must be preserved at all costs, despite well-meaning popular demands for state intervention in education and healthcare. In Friedrich A. Hayek's masterpiece The Road to Serfdom, he dismisses the impracticality of socialism while dissecting its covert attack on liberty. In brilliant prose, he lays out the true meaning of nineteenth-century liberalism, highlighting its success and goal toward complete individual liberation. In a clear and concise form, Hayek makes a strong intellectual argument for the preservation of the free-market and through this, autonomy inherited through individual and local means. Pointing to the authoritarian nature of socialist means to achieve ends, it becomes ever too obvious to the reader that Hayek's defense of liberty remains of the highest moral perogative and ultimately necessary to achieve a free society.
While the aims of socialism are often noble and emotionally endearing to all, its vision of justice and equality falls short of its goals due to the coercive means which must be used to attain its ultimate goals. Instead of revolutionizing society with a change of consciousness, (the only true method of change), socialism relies on ancient iron-fisted dictatorial methods. At the barrel of a gun, one, a victim of success, is coerced to relinquishing his or her rewards of hard work to give to those incapable in their present capacity of attaining such wealth. Like the Church tithe of Old Europe, the government sets moral absolutes on the People. Hayek claims that while such "values" are imposed upon the People, "they must become their beliefs," (153) essentially limiting free thought and giving the State the absoluteness of divinity in all of its dealings. Such a road is dangerous, especially considering our present governing coalition, who mandates war, torture, and imprisonment not only in America's local communities, but also in distant nations.
Furthermore, the government mandated idea of collectivism, so-termed "group rights" undermines the autonomy of the individual and rejects the reality of personal decision making which affects all interactions in life. It is this collectivism which has created centralized power and threatens our free existence.
Whether the group consists of "the poor", "the middle class", or the "corporate CEOs" (now seen in the $2 trillion+ Bank Bailout Bill), our fredom to personally choose our own fate is destroyed. The fact that "discrimination between members and nonmembers of closed groups" (214) now exists poses the political reality we face. It is thus in these type of aimed conglomerates that "collectivists must create power - power over men wielded by other men - of a magnitude never before known" (144) which wildly discriminates and has no tolerance for liberty or independence of thought. Hayek describes its effects as that which "creates a degre of dependence scarcely distinguishable from slavery" (146). Thus strikes the death knell for a free society.
Thus, forces beyond the individual have controlled American society since the creation of The Federal Reserve System and the never ratified Sixteenth Amendment in the fateful year of 1913. Even worse, many of America's trade agreements (G8 summits, WTO, GATT, NAFTA, etc.), limit competition, discourage free trade, and structure society along collectivist, protectionist lines all ot the detriment of the creativity and ingenuity of the individual. Hayek describes this "'sharing' of markets" as "the [conglomerate] control of investment and development of natural resources" (229). In fact, with the rise of the multi-national coroporation, little has been done in government's most essential economic function, regulating monopoly.
Without competition, freedom is limited and starved for new outlets for creation. Today, our government discourages ingenuity, progress, and new ideas. In the interest of preserving the status quo, it now rejects freedom and adheres to a fascist ideal of the organization of the most personal and intimate workings of society. Hayek writes, "the machinery of monopoly becomes identical with the machinery of the state, and the state itself becomes more and more identified with the interests of those who run things than with the interests of the people in general" (198). Thus, is the present tyranny of The Establishment.
While the abolition of the State, (and along with it the demise of The Establishment), may seem an answer to these problems, anarchy does little to work as an impartial arbiter, a watchdog for personal liberty. A limited government is essential to preserving the rule of law, and holding all accountable to their actions. But, to safeguard liberty and give a framework to empower the People, it is necessary for the People to independently obtain their own material supply and social well-being in battling the tyranny of the established "aristocracy". For when government is no longer impartial, but rather a "group rights" conduit for power, its essential purpose is thwarted and more liberty is lost. For it is individual rights, "the system of private property [and private production] is the most important guaranty of fredom, not only for those who own property, but scarcely less than those who do not" (103). While it may seem incredulous that such rights defend the liberty of the landless and propertyless masses, their ability to decide their rent, employment, personal purchases and even where they choose to passt heir precious limited time all effect the future of these independent entities, and ultimately, the destiny of the People.
It should not be ignored that we all derive our life from the land of Earth, and without the ability to freely navigate and acquire its bounty, our benefit from its vast resources will be diminished and the natural state of man will be denied. Total control of the Earth by the monopoly, and in particular the coercive Establishment is the gravest threat to humanity.
Thus, such developments have now distorted the noble Enlightenment-logic behind liberalism of the "Golden Age" of thought embodied in our republic. Now, a collusion of high and mighty powers control our future. More frightening, as our monetary currency further loses its once impeccable legitimacy, the threat of inflation rips at the heart of freedom and prosperity for a large majority of our citizenry. For Hayek warns of the oppression of poverty; "It should never be forgotten that the one decisive factor in the rise of totalitarianism on the Continent (1940s Nazi Germany) [...] is the existence of a large recently disposessed middle class" (209). More than ever, America's backbone, the middle class, faces annihilation of liberty; economic, political and personal. Our very concept of liberty njow hangs in the balance.
Yet, as Ron Paul once said, "freedom is popular" and Americans' thirst for it and its rewards will never be satisfied. And rightly so! On the brink of the New World Order, we must think about what we value. Faced with freedom or security, many will clamor for security. But, even its guarantee of being "taken care" of is far from the reality of life. Rather, those that do not desire entitlement to physical goods or services, but focus only on the need for freedom, will fight for the good will of all.
Thus, socialism "must be regarded as a reactionary movement, the decisive change which has taken place in our time and the source of mortal danger to everything a liberal must value" (200). For if we truly believe in the freedom of our actions and contributions to one another, we must vote with liberty as the first and foremost of our aims.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
Iraq: Catch Word for U.S. Imperialism
In an epic Presidential battle for the hearts and minds of all types of Americans, one place, one word sums up much of the nation's angst: Iraq. It has become a symbolic battle which some believe is necessary to expel the marauding Muslim, others see it as a death knell for civility and the values set forth in the U.S. Constitution. But, despite what many may think of the War in Iraq, besides a few peppered acknowledgments and shallow gests of grandstanding, both McCain and Obama refuse to deal with the heart of the issue, and instead use Iraq as a con-game on the American people.
While Obama consistently remarks on his long-time opposition to the War in Iraq, he believes a war and occupation in Afghanistan is a good thing, and that the bombing of civilians' homes and restricting their freedom is necessary. But, apparently, to Obama the freedom of Iraqis are now worth more than the freedom of Afghanis. Thus, is the shame of power politics and the ever-changing standpoints of our so-called "top dogs" to deal with the real issues. At best, Obama has come off as a hypocritical naysayer with peace not at the heart of his agenda.
Similarly, McCain has also railed against unnecessary government spending, but has repeatedly refused to cut excessive and wasteful defense spending. Rather, the wars abroad to him are a necessity for the People, and while he rants against abuse of the taxpayer in the ever stasi fields of education and healthcare, he fails to carry those same principles over to America's most damaging and damning policy, Foreign Policy.
Like the members of the CFR, Trilateral Commission, and Bilderberg Group, these globalists will stop at no costs for political gain with little adherence to values or Constitutional guidelines. Instead, they look forward to plunging the United States into more wars, so that the private military contractors will continue their lucrative adventurism in the Middle East.
Hardly have we mentioned the other countries so deeply tied up and help captive by American policy. These are names of great nations, who once themselves may have had imperial ambitions. These are nations who are major players on the political-financial stage and their names are hallmarks of our own history.
These nations are Germany, Japan, Czech Republic and Poland, South Korea, and Indonesia. Many more are within in their ranks. These are only a few of the 130+ nations in which American military is stationed at over 700 bases.
And while America mindlessly squabbles over "victory" in Iraq, our national wealth and good name are being polluted by the likes of Halliburton and KBR in the heart of Central Europe. The real question is when will the U.S. get out? Isn't time for a more sensible and realistic foreign policy?
My greatest fear is that the answers to these questions will come too late.
While Obama consistently remarks on his long-time opposition to the War in Iraq, he believes a war and occupation in Afghanistan is a good thing, and that the bombing of civilians' homes and restricting their freedom is necessary. But, apparently, to Obama the freedom of Iraqis are now worth more than the freedom of Afghanis. Thus, is the shame of power politics and the ever-changing standpoints of our so-called "top dogs" to deal with the real issues. At best, Obama has come off as a hypocritical naysayer with peace not at the heart of his agenda.
Similarly, McCain has also railed against unnecessary government spending, but has repeatedly refused to cut excessive and wasteful defense spending. Rather, the wars abroad to him are a necessity for the People, and while he rants against abuse of the taxpayer in the ever stasi fields of education and healthcare, he fails to carry those same principles over to America's most damaging and damning policy, Foreign Policy.
Like the members of the CFR, Trilateral Commission, and Bilderberg Group, these globalists will stop at no costs for political gain with little adherence to values or Constitutional guidelines. Instead, they look forward to plunging the United States into more wars, so that the private military contractors will continue their lucrative adventurism in the Middle East.
Hardly have we mentioned the other countries so deeply tied up and help captive by American policy. These are names of great nations, who once themselves may have had imperial ambitions. These are nations who are major players on the political-financial stage and their names are hallmarks of our own history.
These nations are Germany, Japan, Czech Republic and Poland, South Korea, and Indonesia. Many more are within in their ranks. These are only a few of the 130+ nations in which American military is stationed at over 700 bases.
And while America mindlessly squabbles over "victory" in Iraq, our national wealth and good name are being polluted by the likes of Halliburton and KBR in the heart of Central Europe. The real question is when will the U.S. get out? Isn't time for a more sensible and realistic foreign policy?
My greatest fear is that the answers to these questions will come too late.
Third Party Presidential Debate
Yesterday, on October 23, 2008, two third party presidential candidates Independent Ralph Nader and Constitution Party Candidate Chuck Baldwin debated REAL issues for the REAL America.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
The Futility of War
There exists a perfect image,
In one's own mind.
Often it's a place most like Paradise, bathing in the Sun,
Untouched by the small raptures of man,
Forever lush in its wealth, its bounty.
Thus is the futility of war.
For in war, no such image exists
All is shattered by the poison of a bullet's lead
Wars unspeakable, unaccountable by all,
Hidden from the TV screen, only referred to in past tense,
Yet they grow and multiply without pretense.
Even Obama calls for war,
Constant expansion, humanitarian issues, what more!?
To rob the People of our bounty,
And to send it off to another Sadami.
All while old man Brzezinski plans over Afghanistan,
Stuck in the panic fans,
They bombard it with a tsunami.
In one's own mind.
Often it's a place most like Paradise, bathing in the Sun,
Untouched by the small raptures of man,
Forever lush in its wealth, its bounty.
Thus is the futility of war.
For in war, no such image exists
All is shattered by the poison of a bullet's lead
Wars unspeakable, unaccountable by all,
Hidden from the TV screen, only referred to in past tense,
Yet they grow and multiply without pretense.
Even Obama calls for war,
Constant expansion, humanitarian issues, what more!?
To rob the People of our bounty,
And to send it off to another Sadami.
All while old man Brzezinski plans over Afghanistan,
Stuck in the panic fans,
They bombard it with a tsunami.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
An Apartheid Without A Name
As a recently converted Minneapolitan, when I went to find a nearby store selling a smooth crisp Pilsner to relax, my adventure became not only a futile run for booze, but also a lesson of a cultural and political nature. After unsuccessfully trying my local quickie-marts, I journeyed a few blocks more to the "Dairy Store". As for dairy, their selection was skim and scant for its pretentious name. But what I really wanted was beer, and none was to be had. I came to the man at the register, a nimble chap, the kind of guy you would want to have your back, but who you'd trust just enough to let down your guard. I asked the man, what have you got? I don't see any beer around here. He replied, "Well, you see... the owner ... he is..." "Oh! Yes, he's a Muslim." "Yeah, so he doesn't touch the stuff, OK!" "Yea I just moved here, so..." "Oh yea? Me too man. Where are you from?" "Palestine." His response brought to mind the unending struggle which engulfs that nation of people.
John Pilger, a renowned Australian-born journalist, known for his uncanny coolness and tough questioning demeanor, first questioned the mainstream view of the Israeli-Palestinian relationship in his 1974 documentary, Palestine Is Still the Reason. In it, he depitcs the destructive side of Israeli expansion and most horrifying, the existing ghettos which the Israeli government mandates certain Palestinians to live in. In Freedom Next Time, Pilger presents the 2002 de3velopment of checkpoint systems and explains the imprisonment of whole walled ghettos which encircle Palestinians, which Pilger argues is much like those that existed in Poland, Germany, Austria, Czechoslovakia and much of Europe during the Second World War. Pilger even proves through Israeli government documents that before the 1948 founding of Israel, there were mass killings of these indigenous inhabitants to make way for the new state.
But what at heart has lead to the biggest issue of our lifetimes, which now has plunged the world into a never-ending vortex of violence and hate? Pilger is right, "Palestine IS still the issue", and the West's wholesale backing of Israeli government policies is a horror unrealized. The media often portrays Israel as the victim under seige from the Arab world, threatened by "rogue threats", who often end up possessing only benign power, like Iraq and Iran. Few realize that Israel is the world's fourth best military power in the world, only behind Russia, China, and the United States. Much of Israeli unconstitutional foreign aid from the U.S. is used for weapons sales or collective military action. Meanwhile, the now laughably famous "Joe the Plumber" pays the bill to Halliburton or better yet, the Israeli army. And for what?
Palestinians have repeatedly been forced into extremely compromising positions. Restricted movement of travel and trade, few real civic or political rights, and even segregated roadways and beaches dog their days. Few realize the scope of such a tragedy. Women giving birth and losing a child because of a security inspection line at checkpoints is all too commmon of a story. Even Palestinian ambulances with dying patients are denied access, all in the name of fighting terrorism. Pilger describes gut wrenching moments, as Israel's society is affected just as strongly. He reports of the feelings of Israelis held mercy to their state's system. But, their charity continues as many joint Arab-Israeli medical aid groups' efforts show where the feelings of both peoples most lie.
But, in the virtual age, where NEWS is truth, all inexcusable oppression is excused, and to all's detriment.
Until I read Pilger's work, I was not truly convinced of this humanitarian problem. But now, as much as anyone, Palestinians behold on the world stage a sympathetic and quite logical claim for freedom.
The crisis equals that of Darfur, North Korea and Saudia Arabia and the continued human rights abuses encountered there. Unfortunately, as Pilger notes, the corporate media often chooses which causes are worthy enough in pursuing. Some, to hear, would be tantamount to crashing the screen and forever shattering the Establishment's cherised myths. It's time we pull down our screen doors which phase and edit out what we would rather not see. For if we truly do believe in freedom for all people, then no cause could ever be ignored.
John Pilger, a renowned Australian-born journalist, known for his uncanny coolness and tough questioning demeanor, first questioned the mainstream view of the Israeli-Palestinian relationship in his 1974 documentary, Palestine Is Still the Reason. In it, he depitcs the destructive side of Israeli expansion and most horrifying, the existing ghettos which the Israeli government mandates certain Palestinians to live in. In Freedom Next Time, Pilger presents the 2002 de3velopment of checkpoint systems and explains the imprisonment of whole walled ghettos which encircle Palestinians, which Pilger argues is much like those that existed in Poland, Germany, Austria, Czechoslovakia and much of Europe during the Second World War. Pilger even proves through Israeli government documents that before the 1948 founding of Israel, there were mass killings of these indigenous inhabitants to make way for the new state.
But what at heart has lead to the biggest issue of our lifetimes, which now has plunged the world into a never-ending vortex of violence and hate? Pilger is right, "Palestine IS still the issue", and the West's wholesale backing of Israeli government policies is a horror unrealized. The media often portrays Israel as the victim under seige from the Arab world, threatened by "rogue threats", who often end up possessing only benign power, like Iraq and Iran. Few realize that Israel is the world's fourth best military power in the world, only behind Russia, China, and the United States. Much of Israeli unconstitutional foreign aid from the U.S. is used for weapons sales or collective military action. Meanwhile, the now laughably famous "Joe the Plumber" pays the bill to Halliburton or better yet, the Israeli army. And for what?
Palestinians have repeatedly been forced into extremely compromising positions. Restricted movement of travel and trade, few real civic or political rights, and even segregated roadways and beaches dog their days. Few realize the scope of such a tragedy. Women giving birth and losing a child because of a security inspection line at checkpoints is all too commmon of a story. Even Palestinian ambulances with dying patients are denied access, all in the name of fighting terrorism. Pilger describes gut wrenching moments, as Israel's society is affected just as strongly. He reports of the feelings of Israelis held mercy to their state's system. But, their charity continues as many joint Arab-Israeli medical aid groups' efforts show where the feelings of both peoples most lie.
But, in the virtual age, where NEWS is truth, all inexcusable oppression is excused, and to all's detriment.
Until I read Pilger's work, I was not truly convinced of this humanitarian problem. But now, as much as anyone, Palestinians behold on the world stage a sympathetic and quite logical claim for freedom.
The crisis equals that of Darfur, North Korea and Saudia Arabia and the continued human rights abuses encountered there. Unfortunately, as Pilger notes, the corporate media often chooses which causes are worthy enough in pursuing. Some, to hear, would be tantamount to crashing the screen and forever shattering the Establishment's cherised myths. It's time we pull down our screen doors which phase and edit out what we would rather not see. For if we truly do believe in freedom for all people, then no cause could ever be ignored.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Thaddeus McCotter Condems Bailout
Congressman Thaddeus McCotter (R) of Michigan addresses Congress on September 30, 2008, with an unforgettable speech about the Bailout's growing assertion of government power as well as the loss of freedom in America.
Zombies Crash In on Minneapolis!
This past Saturday, the fourth annual Zombie Pub Crawl made its way from Gold Medal Park into the Heart of downtown Minneapolis. Upon assuming attendance at The Cabooze, the alive that came were horrified by the brash and undead quality of the zombies who piled around. The Spawn of Death parade brought the dead unto Earth and with their presence new life was spawned. Admist the rhythms of Asheville's Toubab Krewe and into the late hours of the night with Minneapolis' MC/VL and later hometown heroes Dance Band, the Zombie crew held it down, slugging down beer and drinking smoking tea in the crisp cool Midwest air. Many I met were of another state, unable to converse unto me. Others, however, were of the more jovial sort, and wailed and sang with me the songs of the living.

But, the night of return was not by any means in vain. A new excitement swelled over the Seward area of Minneapolis and talk and laughter ventured into the reaches of morning sunlight. While some zombies may have left to return to the dead with regrets, all had to have been pleased with the travail in the new world.

But, the night of return was not by any means in vain. A new excitement swelled over the Seward area of Minneapolis and talk and laughter ventured into the reaches of morning sunlight. While some zombies may have left to return to the dead with regrets, all had to have been pleased with the travail in the new world.
Police Drag Palin Protesters
Police Drag Away Palin Protesters Impeding Her 50+car Entourage in Grand Junction, Colorado.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
The "Federal" "Reserve" System: What you don't know, CAN hurt you
When most people think of the Federal Reserve System, they often perceive the institution as a national bank with accountability to the federal government. The reality of the situation couldn't be farther from the truth.
The Federal Reserve System was created in 1913 along with the induction of the Sixteenth Amendment, which was never properly ratified by enough States. Mind you, that our nation existed for 130 years without any direct taxes on people's labor, although the Constitution allows for excise taxes. When the Federal Reserve System started, the government did not own any of the banking capital, it was rather a conglomerate of the leading private mass banks working in concert with the government. These powerful banks were the same major groups which spurned and funded the two great World Wars of the Twentieth Century. Clearly, these large banks now have usurped the People's political might through overnight coups of financial decision making and bribery at the highest offices of public service.
Now, the United States' entire economic trade patterns are dictated by those whose financing set rigid national quotas and restrictive trade agreements wrapped in the guise of free trade. As America sojourns into the Twenty-First Century, more and more they pile on the People with little scrutiny. These are better known as NAFTA, GAT, and WTO agreements. They come from the IMF, the G8, and the top international financing and political players. Next, the Trans-Texas Corridor will further facilitate the new government of Security and Prosperity Partnership (founded 2005- Waco, TX - The SPP will further regulate trade between the United States, Canada, and Mexico and is the groundwork for a future North American Union. Already, in 2007, SPP was able to convince the US Congress to pass an agreement where in the case of civil unrest or insurrection, now Mexican and Candian troops may be used in the United States to quell rebellion. Already, some reports indicate joint exercises have been held to train this supranational force.
And all of this from the Federal Reserve System, who seeks to control trade like a child who plays games of conquest with his own imaginary world. Yet, this world is real and the effects always startling.
Congressman Ron Paul of Texas has long warned against the dangers of a private organization with powers superceding even those of the federal government. He has called the recently passed $700 billion (and soon to be $1.8 trillion) an "attack on the dollar system" with serious repurcussions in the future of American markets. In this creation of money out of thin air, the Federal Reserve will pump imaginary millions into top private CEO bank acocunts, but with real purchasing power. Such inflationary methods are sure to devalue the U.S. dollar.
In early 1920's Germany, the Weimar Republic tried similar methods to avoid more financial crisis. By 1923, there were made public many images of children using Deutschmarks taped together as kites. And even more frightening is the fact that not only are the People not free to make major economic decisions, but our money system has lost its only tie to real value long ago. And, fiat greenbacks are the kind no one wants.
Ron Paul, in a recent interview with CNN, also predicted a collapse of the fiat money arrangement since Bretton-Woods was enacted in 1971. He responded to the question of hyperinflation chiding that "this system that we have had since 1971 is unviable and it's coming to an end." The new $700 billion dole to fat cats must now be paid, and its cost will become insurmountable. Our nation spent less than that amount on defense last year, even though the American Empire's military stretches along 725 bases in over 130 nations on the globe. The weight of such a burden is crushing and signs of national bankruptcy in the United States are already beginning to emerge.
As food prices soar, but the blood-ridden oil from Iraq and Afghanistan rolls in cheap, the American nation is set to face hard times if fast action is not taken to restore our nation's Constitutional values. Our needed passion for civic involvement and the rule of law is paramount.
And yet again, the problem is left not with those who created its massive hurt, but the People who knew better but could not fully act. The responsiblity now lies with us. No more government bailouts, no more millions of dollars to McDonalds to advertise BigMacs in Europe, no more government waste and use of good People's money to fund war games in Czech Republic and Poland.
Ron Paul was brave enough to say, "the fact that we have to depend on government for all of our problems is an illusion." And while illusions may intice and even feel quite real, in the end the hidden reality is what can hurt you.
The Federal Reserve System was created in 1913 along with the induction of the Sixteenth Amendment, which was never properly ratified by enough States. Mind you, that our nation existed for 130 years without any direct taxes on people's labor, although the Constitution allows for excise taxes. When the Federal Reserve System started, the government did not own any of the banking capital, it was rather a conglomerate of the leading private mass banks working in concert with the government. These powerful banks were the same major groups which spurned and funded the two great World Wars of the Twentieth Century. Clearly, these large banks now have usurped the People's political might through overnight coups of financial decision making and bribery at the highest offices of public service.
Now, the United States' entire economic trade patterns are dictated by those whose financing set rigid national quotas and restrictive trade agreements wrapped in the guise of free trade. As America sojourns into the Twenty-First Century, more and more they pile on the People with little scrutiny. These are better known as NAFTA, GAT, and WTO agreements. They come from the IMF, the G8, and the top international financing and political players. Next, the Trans-Texas Corridor will further facilitate the new government of Security and Prosperity Partnership (founded 2005- Waco, TX - The SPP will further regulate trade between the United States, Canada, and Mexico and is the groundwork for a future North American Union. Already, in 2007, SPP was able to convince the US Congress to pass an agreement where in the case of civil unrest or insurrection, now Mexican and Candian troops may be used in the United States to quell rebellion. Already, some reports indicate joint exercises have been held to train this supranational force.
And all of this from the Federal Reserve System, who seeks to control trade like a child who plays games of conquest with his own imaginary world. Yet, this world is real and the effects always startling.
Congressman Ron Paul of Texas has long warned against the dangers of a private organization with powers superceding even those of the federal government. He has called the recently passed $700 billion (and soon to be $1.8 trillion) an "attack on the dollar system" with serious repurcussions in the future of American markets. In this creation of money out of thin air, the Federal Reserve will pump imaginary millions into top private CEO bank acocunts, but with real purchasing power. Such inflationary methods are sure to devalue the U.S. dollar.
In early 1920's Germany, the Weimar Republic tried similar methods to avoid more financial crisis. By 1923, there were made public many images of children using Deutschmarks taped together as kites. And even more frightening is the fact that not only are the People not free to make major economic decisions, but our money system has lost its only tie to real value long ago. And, fiat greenbacks are the kind no one wants.
Ron Paul, in a recent interview with CNN, also predicted a collapse of the fiat money arrangement since Bretton-Woods was enacted in 1971. He responded to the question of hyperinflation chiding that "this system that we have had since 1971 is unviable and it's coming to an end." The new $700 billion dole to fat cats must now be paid, and its cost will become insurmountable. Our nation spent less than that amount on defense last year, even though the American Empire's military stretches along 725 bases in over 130 nations on the globe. The weight of such a burden is crushing and signs of national bankruptcy in the United States are already beginning to emerge.
As food prices soar, but the blood-ridden oil from Iraq and Afghanistan rolls in cheap, the American nation is set to face hard times if fast action is not taken to restore our nation's Constitutional values. Our needed passion for civic involvement and the rule of law is paramount.
And yet again, the problem is left not with those who created its massive hurt, but the People who knew better but could not fully act. The responsiblity now lies with us. No more government bailouts, no more millions of dollars to McDonalds to advertise BigMacs in Europe, no more government waste and use of good People's money to fund war games in Czech Republic and Poland.
Ron Paul was brave enough to say, "the fact that we have to depend on government for all of our problems is an illusion." And while illusions may intice and even feel quite real, in the end the hidden reality is what can hurt you.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
A Vote for Obama is A Vote for Bush
For those that think voting for Barack Obama will bring the change this country desperately needs, they are sorely mistaken. Of the main points:
-Obama will continue and enlarge the already EIGHT YEAR WAR in Afghanistan
(maybe we should learn a history lesson about WHY the USSR went bankrupt and collapsed)
-Obama supports telecom immunity and domestic spying on AMERICAN CITIZENS
-Obama plans to nationalize more of the banking industry as CNN reports the US is now more communist than Putin-ruled Russia
-Obama has yet to specify his plan to withdraw from Iraq, and has yet to talk about US oil company deals in Iraq
-Obama believes he knows whats best to do with your money, will urge states to pass state income tax laws
-Obama (once a Constitutional law instructor) insists on federal solutions to everything, and does not properly understand the division of powers, or the 10th Amendment which leaves all powers not enumerated to Congress to the States
-Obama plans to use Clinton Administration foreign policy advisors like Madeleine Albright and Zbiginiew Brzezinski (architects of the "humanitarian success" NATO bombing campaign in Serbia which was responsible for many civilian deaths)
-Obama's machine is driven by corporate sponsorship and backroom deals
-Obama supports placing nuclear missiles in Poland, along with a radar system in Czech Republic to conquer and divide Slavic European countries
-Obama does not understand the chief meanings of freedom and liberty
-Obama will continue and enlarge the already EIGHT YEAR WAR in Afghanistan
(maybe we should learn a history lesson about WHY the USSR went bankrupt and collapsed)
-Obama supports telecom immunity and domestic spying on AMERICAN CITIZENS
-Obama plans to nationalize more of the banking industry as CNN reports the US is now more communist than Putin-ruled Russia
-Obama has yet to specify his plan to withdraw from Iraq, and has yet to talk about US oil company deals in Iraq
-Obama believes he knows whats best to do with your money, will urge states to pass state income tax laws
-Obama (once a Constitutional law instructor) insists on federal solutions to everything, and does not properly understand the division of powers, or the 10th Amendment which leaves all powers not enumerated to Congress to the States
-Obama plans to use Clinton Administration foreign policy advisors like Madeleine Albright and Zbiginiew Brzezinski (architects of the "humanitarian success" NATO bombing campaign in Serbia which was responsible for many civilian deaths)
-Obama's machine is driven by corporate sponsorship and backroom deals
-Obama supports placing nuclear missiles in Poland, along with a radar system in Czech Republic to conquer and divide Slavic European countries
-Obama does not understand the chief meanings of freedom and liberty
To Love
To Love (A poem about a real event)
To love but not to love is a tragedy,
Stuck in rows without chance of turning back.
To kiss and to be kissed back is a joying,
But to ignore after the pause is to become boring.
And to ignore, after all thats been said and done,
is but a false fore, but to meet with unhidden lore
For once a woman chooses to have had enough of you,
Or simply the will to ignore you,
It is done with the flooring.
And no matter how you may choose to abhor it,
It sits at your doorstep, constantly loring you.
To love but not to love is a tragedy,
Stuck in rows without chance of turning back.
To kiss and to be kissed back is a joying,
But to ignore after the pause is to become boring.
And to ignore, after all thats been said and done,
is but a false fore, but to meet with unhidden lore
For once a woman chooses to have had enough of you,
Or simply the will to ignore you,
It is done with the flooring.
And no matter how you may choose to abhor it,
It sits at your doorstep, constantly loring you.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
The Friendly Neighbor Is On Hiatus
The Friendly Neighbor will be on a short hiatus this week from the blogosphere. More stories will be ready for readers next week.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
All Hail New King Henry Paulson!
Yesterday, the US House voted to approve the Bailout Bill by a vote of 263-171. Shortly after, President Bush signed the bill into law. Polls showed that over eighty-five percent of the People vehemently opposed the bill. Both Barack Obama and John McCain urged the House to pass the bill immediately. God help us!
Friday, October 3, 2008
"Government is like Fire"
"Government is like fire.
If it is kept within bounds and
under the control of the people,
it contributes to the welfare of all.
But if it gets out of place,
if it gets too big and out of control,
it destroys the happiness
and even the lives of the people."
-Harold Stassen
If it is kept within bounds and
under the control of the people,
it contributes to the welfare of all.
But if it gets out of place,
if it gets too big and out of control,
it destroys the happiness
and even the lives of the people."
-Harold Stassen
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Bush II: The Sun King
Excitement bubbles over as America poises for Bush's departure from the White House in January. But unfortunately, his thuggish trail of blood and laced booty of chronic debt lingers on. Another famed tyrant once said, "I depart, but the State will always remain." Louis XIV would be pleased with Bush the Younger's masterful takeover. Strikingly similar to the "Sun King," Bush has greatly increased the nation's power center as Washington D.C. sings his centralized socialist praises. And as the House threatens to ratify the infamous Bailout Bill, the future hold for even greater centralization. Much like Louis, Bush sees his greatest enemy as the independently wealthy professional class, and seeks piece by piece their destruction. Louis' answer had been equal to Bush's courting of once-pronounced conservatives, who turned socialist overnight for the honor to play with the presidential court lyre. The Palace of Versailles entertained and ultimately preoccupied the independent wealth of France so that Louis could bend them to his will. And after they forfeited their power to the ever-seductive Louis, his creation of Code Law, later the basis for Napoleonic Code, would forever rein in the wealthy's ability for decentralized local-initiative governance. Likewise, the USA PATRIOT Act and the organization of the Department of Homeland Security serve Bush's purpose of indoctrinating a subservient society with no rights and inducing enforcers to break the will of all those who object. His endorsement of federal takeover at every level stinks of Louis' embalmed corpse.
And no longer do Republican values matter. After whole heartedly cramming a dictatorial proposal down Americans' throats, the Bailout Bill has proven Bush and his sick band of thieves to be completely devoid of any reputable ideology or tact. Now, the game has changed and like Louis, the Sun King, all the court, lawmakers, media and world revolve around Bush without reason or response. They sit like play-toys in his coat pocket. The only ideology that matters to Bush is that of Authority.
Similar to America's 20th century, 17th century France and Europe experienced a devastating international conflict. The Thirty Years War (1618-1648) was unparalleled in scale and consequence as a fight over the Holy Roman Empire spilled into a conflict centering on the acquisition of global dominance. It even led the Swedes to victory, urged by their covetous queen to enter the fight to acquire Europe's most precious art. Devastation was wrought throughout the continent, and as much of the population died, peace was well welcomed.
Likewise, World War II was the most destructive conflict of modern times. And its spark help start off new races for political, cultural and military global supremacy. After America eventually rose above the USSR and the forever-frozen Cold War arms battle, it seemed peace was the answer to all. But, the new emperor did not care for the world beyond his immediate circle. Like Louis, avarice long ago seized George W. Bush.
While Louis continually fought wars to gain control of the merchant-commerce wealthy Netherlands, Bush fought for oil wealth in Afghanistan and Iraq. Both invaded nations were to have their relatively short independence castrated by imperial adventurism. Many would die, and the bloodbath of the previous devastation prolonged. Even those at home feared the coercive and ever-indebted State. Like Louis, Bush wasted a great nation's needed bullion on careless and goal-less wars. The definition of victory in Iraq remains elusive.
Despite all the concerted efforts of the most powerful militaries of the world, the intruder eventually faces expulsion, but only as the angry mob thrusts weight on its own castle doors, desperately attempting to send a wave through the bullet proof, sound secured lair. The financial crisis would only fuel future Revolution, and the People knew it.
Bush will continue to slash and burn, rape and steal, pilger and profit till icy death grips him in sleep. His erratic rule has spawned a thousand new petty dictators in the wake, all clamoring for the same false riches the new Sun King seeks. While we can thank the 22nd Amendment that Bush can only terrorize America for eight years, Louis got fifty-four. Unfortunately, the damage may be even greater.
And no longer do Republican values matter. After whole heartedly cramming a dictatorial proposal down Americans' throats, the Bailout Bill has proven Bush and his sick band of thieves to be completely devoid of any reputable ideology or tact. Now, the game has changed and like Louis, the Sun King, all the court, lawmakers, media and world revolve around Bush without reason or response. They sit like play-toys in his coat pocket. The only ideology that matters to Bush is that of Authority.
Similar to America's 20th century, 17th century France and Europe experienced a devastating international conflict. The Thirty Years War (1618-1648) was unparalleled in scale and consequence as a fight over the Holy Roman Empire spilled into a conflict centering on the acquisition of global dominance. It even led the Swedes to victory, urged by their covetous queen to enter the fight to acquire Europe's most precious art. Devastation was wrought throughout the continent, and as much of the population died, peace was well welcomed.
Likewise, World War II was the most destructive conflict of modern times. And its spark help start off new races for political, cultural and military global supremacy. After America eventually rose above the USSR and the forever-frozen Cold War arms battle, it seemed peace was the answer to all. But, the new emperor did not care for the world beyond his immediate circle. Like Louis, avarice long ago seized George W. Bush.
While Louis continually fought wars to gain control of the merchant-commerce wealthy Netherlands, Bush fought for oil wealth in Afghanistan and Iraq. Both invaded nations were to have their relatively short independence castrated by imperial adventurism. Many would die, and the bloodbath of the previous devastation prolonged. Even those at home feared the coercive and ever-indebted State. Like Louis, Bush wasted a great nation's needed bullion on careless and goal-less wars. The definition of victory in Iraq remains elusive.
Despite all the concerted efforts of the most powerful militaries of the world, the intruder eventually faces expulsion, but only as the angry mob thrusts weight on its own castle doors, desperately attempting to send a wave through the bullet proof, sound secured lair. The financial crisis would only fuel future Revolution, and the People knew it.
Bush will continue to slash and burn, rape and steal, pilger and profit till icy death grips him in sleep. His erratic rule has spawned a thousand new petty dictators in the wake, all clamoring for the same false riches the new Sun King seeks. While we can thank the 22nd Amendment that Bush can only terrorize America for eight years, Louis got fifty-four. Unfortunately, the damage may be even greater.
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