Thursday, August 7, 2008

Returning the Ether

When America witnessed its first people powered technological revolution in the early 1910s and 1920s, millions of hobbyist radio operators started up stations beaming around the country, drawing in listeners, and also with the ability to converse between two places over the ether. Since the federal government began regulating bandwidth in 1927, and ultimately placing all radio control within government-backed corporate power, Americans have lost one of the greatest tools of the free market in communications.

However, with the government's socialist mandated switch to digital television on February 18, 2009, maybe there is a chance to regain the ether. After this date, no longer will television signals be broadcast through the air, via Earth's electromagnetic waves. Instead of throwing such an ingenious and influential resource to the dustbin of history, it seems logical and highly beneficial to use the ether and encourage a deregulated market of citizen television broadcasters.

Now, if our government really believes in personal and economic freedom as the paradigm for an equal society, why not take a chance and start a Revolution!?

It only seems fair to return this valuable possession back to the people, who basically created and expanded the invention, making lives better. Rather than throw it to protect an aging, decrepit bureaucracy, which benefits no one but the top. Think of the advancement in journalism, the arts, and community activism if only the people could retain this powerful outlet for a voice.

Again, as Tomas Masaryk once said,

"Democracy is not only a state form, it is not only what is written in the institutions, democracy is the opinion on life, which counts on the trust of the people, in humanity, in humanness and [democracy] is not opinions without love, and not love without opinions."

It is time we push for democracy on every level of our lives, because as of now, our government paradigm reflects corporate-fascism. Its the system of choice for dictators, and the brainchild of Benito Mussolini. Now, most Americans believe in the system, but if The People could harness a communication tool for culture, entertainment, and art , and use this to circumnavigate the corporate message, our lives would immediately improve.

This, I strongly believe. But, in order to have a free culture, a free society, we need openness in our most influential medium, the ether.

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